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‘Equipping visually impaired people with skills for independence, safety and wellbeing - creating equal opportunities to engage fully in society.’


Visual Impairment Specialist

As a Visual Impairment Specialist with over twelve years' experience, I am professionally qualified to teach skills to visually impaired people to help them to overcome challenges in their lives and to mobilise safely, independently and inclusively in a sighted world.


In working with a person with a visual impairment, I initially reflect upon their individual interests and proclivities to help inspire, enthuse and challenge the people that I work with to reach their full potential. I greatly enjoy designing specialised, personalised programmes that reflect individual need. Clients can receive a 1 to 4 hour session each week and I tailor their programme to their learning style and support need.


Through my implementation of adaptive strategies, I ensure that each client receives full access to all learning opportunities and experiences. This is a very rewarding position and is dependent upon building a strong and positive working relationship based upon trust. As a well-liked, trusted and valued professional, my clients know that they can depend upon me.


In terms of administration, I produce session plans for each client and keep records to monitor progression and to share with parents. I also utilise the support networks of other professionals and agencies to best support a client.


I am also able to advise other professionals as to the support needs of a visually impaired individual; improving best practice and suggesting adapted ways of working. It is my primary focus to work toward achieving the best for clients in my care, with enjoyment, achievement, positive contributions, health and well-being serving as primary indicators of success.


If you have any questions or would like to arrange a meeting, please click on the following link to open an exchange:


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- Personalised individual programmes for visually impaired people of any age or ability - delivered through professional, expert one-to-one tuition.

- Professionally taught skills for safe travel / mobility & orientation / using a bus or train / handling money / shopping / visiting a restaurant / to name just a selection of the experiences available.

- Support accessing the community & making a positive contribution.

- Improving confidence & communication.


Fundraising and teaching at the Milton Margai School for the Blind, Sierra Leone (2019)

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